The twitter tab allows you to connect your bot to a Twitter account, and monitor a Twitter feed. The bot can manage the Twitter account, checking status updates, managing followers, replying to mentions and direct messages, retweeting important posts, tweeting your blog posts or RSS feed, and auto tweeting.

Properties | Description |
Authorize | Authorize your bot to access a twitter account. |
Connect | Connect your bot to a twitter account. |
Twitter User | You do not need to enter this, just click authorize. |
Twitter Application Token | You do not need to enter this, just click authorize. |
Twitter Application Token Secret | You do not need to enter this, just click authorize. |

Twitterbot Properties
Twitterbot Properties | Description |
Tweet when someone chats with the bot | Configure if the bot should tweet that someone is chatting with it. |
Reply to mentions | Configure if the bot should reply when someone mentions it in a tweet. |
Reply to direct messages | Configure if the bot should reply when someone sends it a direct message. |
Read friends status updates | Configure if the bot should read (and possibly respond to) its friend's status updates. The bot will only read the status updates that match one of the Status Keywords sets below. |
Read-only | Configure if the bot should read (and not respond to) its friend's status updates. |
Learn from friends/search tweets | Configure the bot to learn EVERY tweet as a valid response to itself or its hashtags. This is not recommended, and ensure your bot complies with Twitter's terms of use. |
Learn from your tweets | Configure the bot to learn EVERY tweet from your account as a valid response to itself or its hashtags. This is not recommended, but can be used to train your bot. |
Max Status Updates | Maximum status updates to read per cycle (max is 20). Retweets are not included. Larger limits are available for commercial accounts at, www.botlibre.biz |
Reply Keywords/Hashtags | Only friend status updates or search results that contains 'all' of one of the keyword/tag sets will be read, and possibly responded to. |
Tweet Search | Search for tweets matching one of the keyword/tag sets, process and possibly retweet or respond to them. Use this with caution, avoid spam, and ensure your bot complies with the Twitter terms of use. |
Retweet Keywords/Hashtags | Retweet friend's, or search result tweets that contain one of the keyword/tag sets. Use this with caution, avoid spam, and ensure your bot complies with the Twitter terms of use. |
Max Search Retweets | Maximum tweet search result to process or retweets per cycle (max is 20). Larger limits are available for commercial accounts at, www.botlibre.biz |
Auto Follow | Configure if the bot may follow users who follow it. Use this with caution, and ensure your bot complies with the Twitter terms of use. |
Follow Messages | Configure if the bot should follow, or unfollow a user when sent a 'follow me' or 'unfollow me' message. |
Welcome Message | Private message to send users who follow the bot. |
Max Friends | Maximum users to auto follow. Your bot can have more friends if you add them manually. |
Auto Follow Keywords | Only user's who's description contains one of the keyword sets will be followed. Use this with caution, and ensure your bot complies with the Twitter terms of use. |
RSS Feeds | Automatically tweet content from the RSS feeds. List each feed separated by a new line. You can include a prefix and/or a suffix to append to the RSS title. |
RSS Keywords | Only tweet RSS feeds that contain one of the keywords set in their title. |
Auto Tweet | Configure if the bot should tweet automatically every set number of hours. |
Auto Tweet Hours | The number of hours to wait between auto tweets. |
Auto Tweets | Set of tweets to auto tweet. List each tweet separated by a new line. Self and AIML templates can be used. |