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Bot Libre Forum : Announcing Bot Libre 6.5 - Deep learning, conversation flows, new training editor, synonyms, sentiment

RE: Announcing Bot Libre 6.5 - Deep learning, conversation flows, new training editor, synonyms, sentiment

by alp-shah posted Oct 5 2018, 3:08


For Synonums, I didn't catch your point. How do i do below things? Is it possible with current SDK version 6.1?

Synonyms are global, so can be defined once, and apply to all of the bot's responses. 

Synonyms can be automatically loaded from Wiktionary as the bot learns new words. 

Can I import whole dictionary in my bot database so that my offline bot using SDK can search response using known sysnonyms/meaning.

Id: 23936467
Posted: Oct 5 2018, 3:08
Replies: 0
Views: 2486, today: 150, week: 154, month: 162
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