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learning with i already said that script

by bobred posted Jul 21 2017, 9:40

i am having trouble implimenting a already said that aiml script with a aiml script that learns the opposite of a thing.Could you help me with this aiml script?core.aiml 

by admin posted Jul 23 2017, 18:41
You may want to use Self for this type of script, as it deals better with persisting state.

Refer to the Loop script which already does something similar,


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Views: 2283, today: 132, week: 137, month: 146

by bobred posted Jul 23 2017, 19:14

But i want her to say,"i already said that."If you ask her the same question after you ask her another question.That self script does not seem to do that.

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Views: 2146, today: 127, week: 128, month: 141

Id: 18402093
Tags: scripting
Posted: Jul 21 2017, 9:40
Replies: 2
Views: 2678, today: 135, week: 139, month: 150
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